Eliot Glairon - Software Engineer

About me

Photo of Eliot Glairon.

Officially, I am a computer programmer, familiar with a wide breath of languages. Unofficially, this job is similar to another passion: board games. Both of these passions allow me to become engaged with solving puzzles and trying different things. I delve deep into the complex mechanics of programming in order to solve problems with the code. At the moment, I have ideas about going into game development or data science. Currently, I am working towards completing all three certifications at Free Code Camp.


Currently I am working on an api for cataworx that handles the quote process for telecommunications companies. Visit http://www.cataworx.com/ for more information.

Back-End Development Projects

For the following projects, it may take a few seconds to load the web services, please be patient:

Data Visualization Projects

Front-End Development Projects

Enneagram Pormadoro Clock: This clock allows you to track and customize your pormadoro sessions with the power of the enneagram!

Xom Quote Machine: In Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, players can worship a god for numerous benefits. One of the funniest choices is Xom, who provides the dialogue for the quote machine.

Stream Viewer: Check the online or offline status of some cool online Twitch.tv streams. The streams generally have a theme of programming.

Doge Simon Says: Much Doge, such color, wow. Click the doge icons in the order that they appear in.

Captain Obvious searches Wikipedia: This website will search Wikipedia for you! Searching Wikipedia lets you know what is on there! You can do the same thing by putting www.wikipedia.com in your url bar.

Tic-Cat-Toe:Ceiling cat and basement cat decide to settle their differences by playing a game of Tic-Cat-Toe

Calculator: This calculator takes an expression and calculates the result. The calculator respects order operations, executing operations in parenthesis first, then multiplication/division/modulo, then addition/subtraction.

Rogue Weather: Displays the weather for random places or your hometown, in roguelike style. Includes a clickable grid for exploration. Currently under construction due to unanticipated api behavior.

DCSS Tribute Page: The Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup page is a tribute page that briefly explains the game Dungeon Crawl Stone soup, and provides the links and relevant information for the game.

At Avaya, I was a platform engineer for the Engagement Development Platform (now known as Avaya Breeze). I ensured that the product was built/upgraded properly and that the command line tools and packages were working correctly. A central task was improving and documenting the patch process used by the Engagement Development Platform, in order to speed up patch delivery from several weeks to a week. I was also involved with pre-sanity testing, ensuring that the code worked as expected in between each sprint. Much of the job was working with Linux or Bash scripting.

At Visual Exploration LLC, I prototyped the software for V-ma, a desktop magnifier to help people with limited vision read. Below is a demonstration:

For the 2014 Windward Code Wars, I made an AI for Windward's game engine, that involved ferrying CEOs to different destinations. In this game, individual cars would earn points for successfully transferring a tech company CEO to a particular location, as well as partial points for managing to bring a CEO close. Each car had a coffee supply that could be replenished by going to a coffee shop, as coffee was needed to pick up CEOs. To mix things up, each car had two bonuses that could be used at a strategic time. The catch for this challenge was that teams only had 10 hours to finalize their AI.

The video is a replay of the finals game, with my AI "CU-Boulder 2011 Code War Winner". The tricky challenge was estimating the effect that your changes to the code had on the AI. I utilized a strategy of trying to go to the nearest CEO that I could drop off to the nearest location. When I tried to do a deeper search, it didn't help the AI after a certain extent, this was probably due to a changing game state. Unfortunately, I did not have much time to optimize power-up usage.

For the 2011 Windward Code War, my team made a bot that played a computerized version of Robo-Rally. For this game, my team used a Monte-Carlo strategy of trying different moves, calculating the sequence that got us closest to the flag, and announced power downs early.

Social Media

Written and Coded by Eliot Glairon as part of freeCodeCamp.