Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

The dungeon crawler thats been killing adventurers since 2006

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Screenshot

Another kitty (Felid) who might be killed by a horde of nagas.

Why Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is an excellent roguelike game:

  • It is easy to go online and try it out.
  • A clear and coherent game design philosophy.
  • Deitys with a variety of different themes, such as Sif Muna, the god of magic.
  • Loads of different races that require different playstyles, such as felids and octopodes.
  • Flexible skill training, allowing you to develop and change your character as you progress.
  • Interesting monsters for each stage of the game.
  • Prevention of grinding strategies.
  • Lategame monsters that are still threatening, forcing players to adapt or die.
  • A supportive community that is willing to give advice to help you become a better player.
  • It is actively being developed.

<Elynae> summon ice beast is so damn good
<Elynae> i'll kill cerebov with it to prove that
<Gretell> Elynae the Summoner (L11 HuSu), worshipper of Ashenzari, killed by miscasting Summon Ice Beast on Lair:1, with 7605 points after 18288 turns and 1:21:04.

-Funny last words

If you have time you should learn about and play the game online at crawl.develz.org. Or you can look at the project on github.

Written and Coded by Eliot Glairon as part of freeCodeCamp.